
10 goto 10

"Of course, sir, Steve wants to hear all about this loud, mushroom-feet guy
from Crete that is bad-mouthing our company..."

Hills of gold...

Actually of wheat, a few miles outside San Jose

Death Valley, or where 57 degrees Celsius gets a little too hot...

Zabriskie Point, Death Valley

Oh, my god, it's full of sand...

The Mad Greek, on I-5

The classiest place to eat in Baker...

Fear and loathing...

Paris, Texa... erm, Vegas

Your wife might not, but HE knows...

The view must be wonderful...

217,000? That's way better than CSD...


Lost it all in Vegas? Time for a gyros with everything...

I15, Baker, CA

114 Fahrenheit

The Mojave desert (around 7 times the size of Crete or roughly half the size of Greece)

My own private town

Between the gypsies and the movie stars...

Say hello to my little friend

Squirell somewhere along Highway 1 (eating a bagel I gave him)